Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Way Home 3 Stars

It's such a shame that such an excellent movie will be seen by so few people.  Ed Harris stars in a movie about a handful of men sentenced to years of hard labor at a Soviet Gulag.   They realized it's a death sentence so they decide to escape.  Unfortunately, when they escape they are in the center of northern Russia in the middle of winter!  They decide the must head south so they walk all the way to China.  There they find out that China is communist so they decide to walk to Nepal.  Once there they realize that they can not stay there so they walk to India.  If you think I might have given anything away, I have not.  This is a great movie and I highly recommend it to everyone.  It's a true story too!  Colin Farrell also stars and does a fantastic job as one of the escapees.

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