Monday, August 8, 2011

Movie Review: The Change Up 2 stars

Movies like this really make me question the sanity of my fellow humans.  No wonder the apes hate us so.  In this psychotic movie the humor really scrape the bottom of the barrel in raunchiness.  I'm no prude and I gave the first Jackass movie three stars so I don't mind a little raunch when it's well done.

In this case, the raunch is presented just for shock value and had really no point in this movie except to shock you.   That being said, the people around me were laughing like hyenas over what was going on in this movie.  Is this movie for you.  Well, ask yourself these questions:   Do you think a baby pooping in the mouth of his father funny?  Do you think an adult launching a stream of F-bombs in front of a 7 year old funny?   You get the picture.  I was embarrassed for the people around me and wanted to stop them and ask exactly what they found so funny.

The sad thing is that this movie had some real potential to be an excellent movie.  The premise is that two friends are polar opposites.  One (Justin Bateman) is a type A personality who works hard to do everything for his family while never finding any time for them in his life.  The other friend (Ryan Renolds) is an irresponsible slacker whose life is devoid of family or accomplishment.   Of course, what they find is that by meeting in the middle both their lives would improve.    If the writer had lost the raunch or, at least, toned it down and punched up the basic story they could have had a 3 to 3.5 movie on their hands.  All the actors did a great job with what bad materiel they had to work with but with the right materiel this movie might have been the best of the year.

1 comment:

  1. This is a disgusting film that may actually have some people gagging like crazy. It barely avoided getting slapped with an NC-17 rating, so it might be a struggle for some to get past all the envelope-pushing. But as gross as it can sometimes get, we were laughing too darn hard at it all to really pay that any mind. Nice Review! Check out mine when you can!
