Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Movie Review: Drive 2 stars

This movie could have be, should have been one of the best of the year.  The story though is terrible.  I was hoping for the standard formula of the quiet guy gets poked with a stick by the bad guys until he beats or kills them.  That's the formula!  With great actors like Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan this movie should have blown everyone away.  Instead they give us a very depressing bit of tripe that we just can not swallow.  Anyone who sees this movie can't help but be disappointed.  Casting was a problem too.  They made "Mr. Whiner" Albert Brooks the menacing bad guy.  Really?  Albert Brooks a menacing bad guy?  Kirsten Dunst is more menacing than Albert Brooks.  All that bad is balanced by an incredible performance by the two stars.  Do NOT rent this movie when comes out.  I think that only a dozen people went to the theater and watch this movie but people will see Ryan Gosling on the cover and assume it's a good's not.

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