Sunday, August 21, 2011

Movie Review: City of Life or Death 3.5 stars

This is a Chinese movie about the Japanese occupation of Nanjing (capital of China at the time) during WWII.  As you can image a very high body count and horrific images of the brutal way that the Japanese treated the Chinese.  What made this such a great movie was that they focused on around twelve character both Japanese and Chinese and how they dealt with the situation they found themselves in.  Very difficult choices were made on both sides leading to terrible repercussions.  Many times the choices were simply that they had to choose between two very bad paths that would lead to their death and the death's of others.

This is a very powerful movie.  At the end of the movie they showed pictures of the characters and when they were born and when they died.  You didn't find out until that moment that many of the characters died during the movie although you had no idea what happened to them until that point.  This should win the best foreign Oscar.

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