Friday, June 10, 2011

Movie Review: Hangover 2 2 stars

You probably heard this review before because most people and reviewers who have seen this movie have the same reaction to it. 

It's the same as the first one except, less funny and more raunchy.   In fact, it follows the same script as the first one but since we have seen the first one it loses its shock value.  It's similar to Mummy I and Mummy II.  The kept the same script, just changed around some of the words and you have a new movie.....not really.

So, same group of guys have the same thing happen to them with the same result and ultimate outcome.  They even came up with an unfunny ending.  Where the singer was very funny in the first one they left that joke out of the second.  The photos of what really happened to the guys, found in a camera is the same as the first except since we know what's coming again, it doesn't have the same effect.

My recommendation is to skip the new one and just watch the old one again.

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